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FiT Family: The Trinkoffs

David was one of my first private fitness students at the Mendham Health and Racquet Club over a decade ago. In his own words, "I've been through various other trainers since then, and since then have decided to come back home. Sean has taught me a lot in such a short period of time... one thing I got back is my motivation. Motivation to workout, to get exercise, to get healthy."

I now train David and his wife Laura on Tuesday and Friday mornings, and have seen unbelievable improvements in coordination, conditioning, strength, and motivation. David, Laura, and their daughter Julia have been taking advantage of our FiT Zen (meditation/yoga) classes taught by Coach Dallas. It has also been great to see their son Andrew joining in on the group training classes.

David has lost 25 lbs this year while training via zoom, and Laura has mastered movements which were a struggle just a year ago. I have also been fortunate enough to train Julia in my group training classes, and she also joins her parents occasionally in private training. Julia has become one of my strongest, quickest, and most motivated students, and I enjoy working with her each time.

David has also gotten back into tennis full "swing", and has been participating in my High Performance Tennis Groups at the WHRC. He has also done an excellent job building his overall game, as well as his conditioning each week!

It has been such a blessing to work with this hard-working and dedicated family. The Trinkoff family's energy, consistency and commitment (and of course their dog's cameos) make the hour fun on both ends, and makes me excited to continue to work with them in the future!

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